The topics I cover on this page are drawn from my first-hand experience as a vocational teacher, a business owner, a senior, and a husband.
Fear is a learned behaviour that cannot be cured with medication. It must be unlearned, yet psychiatrists place patients on a host of pills, that work on the symptoms of fear, but will never help the patient overcome their fear. Why do psychiatrists not teach people how to overcome their learned behaviour? The answer is simple. There is no money to be made in teaching a patient how to overcome their fear, but there are millions of dollars to be made by the mental health system by feeding pills to individuals who suffer from fear.
As a Canadian, I am thankful we have universal health care, otherwise I would have been bankrupt years ago. Our physical health system was and still is fairly good, but our mental health system has always been a disaster.
My first experience with our broken mental health system was in 1958 when our first child Nancy was born. My wife suffered from bipolar disorder (manic depression), which is a mental illness that requires medication. She also suffered severely from fear, which are learned behaviour that cannot be cured with medication, but must be unlearned. Yet her psychiatrist never told her how to overcome her fear. I learned to be fearful from my wife. I am no longer fearful as I listen to a directed tape every night. I had to take two highly addicted Zopiclone sleeping pills to get to sleep. By listening to a directed medication tape I was able to slowly remove myself from the use of the sleeping pills. I replaced the highly addictive sleeping pills with a non-additive food supplement called Prosleep. I now get a full eight hours of sleep and have not used a sleeping pill for over a year.
This page contains the FREE directed meditation tape that I listen to. To access the tape click on the link below.
My career as a vocational education teacher ended when the Alberta government decided to shut down the vocational education program in senior high schools and the junior vocational education program in secondary vocational schools in Alberta. This left me with a worthless four-year Bachelor of Education Degree in Vocational Education from the University of Alberta, after just 11 years of teaching. Because I had a worthless university degree and needed an income, I decided to restore a 1937 Fargo half-ton from the ground up. This was followed by a home-based business in Didsbury reproducing vintage vehicle running board mats with customers worldwide.
To view my 18-page website on the above topic and several others, click on the link below.